Phone Number
How many hours do you want to work per week?
When are you available to start working?
Check the boxes below to indicate the times that you are available to work:
Monday Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Monday Evening (4pm-9pm)
Tuesday Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Tuesday Evening (4pm-9pm)
Wednesday Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Wednesday Evening (4pm-9pm)
Thursday Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Thursday Evening (4pm-9pm)
Friday Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Friday Evening (4pm-9pm)
Saturday Morning (8am-12pm)
Saturday Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Provide any other specific times that would work with your schedule (i.e. You have evening school every other Tuesday, etc.)
What level of classes do you want to teach?
Will you be available for training?
Please provide any prior experience you have that is relevant along with references (i.e. teaching, summer camp counselor, preschool instructor, etc.):
Would you be interested in working Birthday Parties and Events on weekends?